1. LOGSYS a. s., with its registered office at Hraniční 1397, 691 41 Břeclav, Company ID No. 26981009, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Regional Court in Brno, Section B, Insert 7769, processes the personal data described below in accordance with Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on the Protection of Personal Data.
  2. A) When receiving an inquiry for goods and services or partnership cooperation:
  • First and last name,
  • Phone number,
  • Email address,
  • Contact address,
  • Company ID (IČO), VAT ID (DIČ).

In order to process the offer (or negotiate the offer), it is necessary to process the mentioned data. Such processing is allowed under Section 5, Paragraph 2, Letter b) of the Personal Data Protection Act. LOGSYS a. s. will process the personal data during the negotiation of the offer and will store it for a maximum of 15 years from the submission of the inquiry, in case the negotiations regarding a future project are reopened.

  1. B) When concluding a purchase contract:
  • First and last name,
  • Phone number,
  • Email address,
  • Contact address,
  • Company ID (IČO), VAT ID (DIČ).

In order to fulfill the obligations under the contract and for the purpose of keeping records of the contract and possible future enforcement and defense of the rights and obligations of the contractual parties, LOGSYS a. s. must process the mentioned data. The retention and processing of personal data for the above purpose will continue for 15 years from the completion of the last part of the contract’s performance. A longer retention period is possible only if required by another legal regulation.

  1. LOGSYS a. s. may contact you (via email, phone) to send you business communications, but only if a project (order) is carried out with LOGSYS a. s. This procedure is allowed under Section 7, Paragraph 3 of Act No. 480/2004 Coll., on Information Society Services, unless you refuse it. These communications may only concern similar goods or services and can be unsubscribed at any time by simply sending an email or clicking on the link in the business communication. LOGSYS a. s. will use this right for 3 years from the completion of your last purchase, unless you unsubscribe during this period.
  2. The mentioned personal data is stored and processed in both electronic and paper form. In the case of electronic form, LOGSYS a. s. uses a company server (which is physically located and secured in the company's premises) and the Helios information system. Documents are also stored in paper form in a locked archive.
  3. All personal data processed will not be provided to any third party, with the exception of transporters, who are provided with the minimum personal data necessary for the delivery of goods. Another exception is for processors (software providers), specifically the provider of the Helios information system, or potentially other providers of processing software, services, and applications.
  4. Please note that under the Personal Data Protection Act, you have the right to:
  • Request information about what personal data we process and for what purpose,
  • Request an update or correction of your personal data,
  • Request the deletion of your personal data (LOGSYS a. s. will delete the data, provided that it does not conflict with applicable legal regulations and the legitimate interests of the company; however, deletion may result in the termination of contract negotiations),
  • Restrict the processing of personal data,
  • Request the transfer of personal data,
  • Object to the processing of personal data in case of doubts about compliance with obligations related to personal data processing. You can contact us or the Office for Personal Data Protection.

As a VAT payer, we must comply with the requirements of Section 27 of Act No. 235/2004 Coll., on Value Added Tax. Therefore, it is not possible to delete personal data listed on the tax documents we issue.

Letiště Brno

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